
Telling Amy’s Story can serve as a catalyst to bring communities together to talk about domestic violence. Below you’ll find tools to help with these discussions.


If you or someone you know is involved in a domestic violence relationship and you would like to talk with an advocate, please contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline.

NDVH 24-hour Hotline: 800-799-7233

Small-Group Discussions

Small groups. such as friends, co-workers, book clubs, or church groups are great venues for sharing Telling Amy’s Story. You can discuss how you feel about what you’ve just seen and how you can have an impact on changing the ending for other victims.

Community-Level Discussions

Community-wide efforts will be required to change the social norms and attitudes that contribute to domestic violence.

Your community discussion can focus on raising awareness about domestic violence and what is being done to stop it, or how your community can better respond to domestic violence. The important thing is to START TALKING!